Cloning a Website from GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix to WordPress: A Comprehensive Analysis

TechnoviableWeb DevelopmentCloning a Website from GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix to WordPress: A Comprehensive Analysis


Cloning a website from a proprietary website builder like GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix to an open-source platform like WordPress involves transferring content, design, and functionality. This transition can offer numerous advantages, including greater flexibility, scalability, and control. However, the process also presents several challenges. This analysis explores the reasons for migrating, the steps involved, and the potential pitfalls and benefits of making the switch.

Reasons for Migrating to WordPress

1. Enhanced Flexibility and Customization

WordPress offers a higher degree of flexibility compared to GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix. With thousands of themes and plugins available, users can customize their websites extensively. This level of customization is particularly beneficial for businesses that require unique functionality or design elements that are not supported by proprietary website builders.

2. Ownership and Control

Unlike proprietary platforms, WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). This means users have full ownership of their website and its content. Users are not locked into a specific provider and can host their site on any server of their choice. This control is crucial for businesses looking to maintain long-term stability and independence.

3. SEO and Performance

WordPress is known for its superior SEO capabilities. With plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack, users can optimize their websites for search engines more effectively. Additionally, WordPress websites can be optimized for better performance, ensuring faster load times and improved user experience.

4. Scalability

As businesses grow, their website needs may change. WordPress offers scalability, allowing users to expand their site’s functionality as required. Whether adding an online store, a membership area, or a forum, WordPress provides the tools and plugins to scale efficiently.

Steps Involved in Cloning a Website

1. Preparing for Migration

Before initiating the migration process, it’s essential to plan and prepare. This involves:

Backup: Ensure that the current website on GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix is fully backed up. This includes all content, images, and any other essential data.

Domain and Hosting: Choose a suitable hosting provider for your WordPress site and ensure the domain is ready to be pointed to the new hosting environment.

Themes and Plugins: Identify the WordPress theme that matches your current site’s design and the plugins needed to replicate its functionality.

2. Exporting Content

The next step involves exporting content from the existing website. Both GoDaddy and Wix have limitations in their export functionalities, so this may require manual effort:

Manual Copying: Copy the text content from each page of the existing website.

Image Download: Download all images and media files used on the current site.

SEO Data: Ensure that metadata, such as title tags and meta descriptions, are recorded.

3. Setting Up WordPress

Once the content is ready, the next step is to set up WordPress:

Installation: Install WordPress on the chosen hosting provider. This can typically be done through the hosting provider’s control panel.

Theme Installation: Install and activate the selected WordPress theme. Customize it to match the design of the current website.

Plugin Installation: Install necessary plugins to replicate the functionality of the existing site, such as contact forms, galleries, and SEO tools.

4. Importing Content

With WordPress set up, import the previously exported content:

Pages and Posts: Create new pages and posts in WordPress and manually paste the copied content.

Media Upload: Upload the downloaded images and media files to the WordPress media library.

SEO Data: Input the recorded SEO metadata into the appropriate fields using an SEO plugin.

5. Testing and Optimization

Before making the new WordPress site live, thorough testing and optimization are crucial:

Functionality Testing: Ensure all links, forms, and interactive elements work correctly.

Design Consistency: Verify that the design matches the original site across all pages and devices.

Performance Optimization: Use caching plugins and image optimization tools to ensure the site loads quickly.

6. Going Live

The final step is to point the domain to the new WordPress site:

DNS Settings: Update the DNS settings to point to the new hosting provider.

Redirects: Set up 301 redirects from the old site URLs to the new site URLs to preserve SEO rankings and ensure a smooth transition for users.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Time and Effort

Migrating a website manually can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Each piece of content must be copied and formatted correctly in WordPress, which requires significant attention to detail.

2. Technical Expertise

The migration process requires a certain level of technical expertise, particularly when dealing with DNS settings, SEO considerations, and ensuring functional equivalence between the old and new sites.

3. Potential Downtime

There is a risk of downtime during the transition period. Proper planning and execution are required to minimize disruptions to the live site and ensure a seamless user experience.

4. Data Loss

There is always a risk of data loss during migration. It’s essential to have robust backup procedures in place and double-check all transferred content to ensure completeness.

Benefits of Migrating to WordPress

1. Greater Control

Migrating to WordPress provides complete control over the website, allowing for extensive customization and flexibility.

2. Cost Efficiency

In the long term, WordPress can be more cost-effective than subscription-based website builders, especially for businesses that require advanced features and customization.

3. Enhanced SEO

WordPress’s SEO capabilities can lead to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic, benefiting the overall visibility and success of the website.

4. Community Support

WordPress has a large and active community of developers and users. This provides a wealth of resources, plugins, themes, and support options for ongoing website development and maintenance.


Cloning a website from GoDaddy Website Builder or Wix to WordPress is a strategic move that can offer significant benefits in terms of flexibility, control, SEO, and scalability. While the migration process requires careful planning and execution, the long-term advantages make it a worthwhile investment. By addressing the challenges and leveraging the strengths of WordPress, businesses can create a robust, scalable, and highly customizable web presence that meets their evolving needs.