Inventory Management System

TechnoviableInventory Management System


A web-based application which will manage stock inventory so easily: Dashboard, Stock Management, Purchasing, Sales, Suppliers, Customers, Outstandings, and Payments. Nice look and feel interface. It supports to be displayed in mobile-device.

  • Login/Logout
  • Forgot Password
  • Registration
  • Change Password
  • Dashboard
  • Stock Items
  • Suppliers
  • Purchases
  • Customers
  • Sales
  • Outstandings
  • Payments
  • Master/Detail (Preview Row, Overlay)
  • Dynamic Details Input
  • Export Data (Printer Friendly, Excel, Word, CSV, XML, PDF, HTML, Email)
  • Quick Search
  • Advanced Search
  • Role Based Access Level (RBAC)
  • Users Management
  • Auto-Numeric Format
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • Twitter Bootstrap 3
  • Multiple Themes
  • Multiple Font Type and Size
  • Multiple Languages (English, Indonesian)
  • Supports RTL (Right-To-Left Language Orientation)
  • Password Strength Meter
  • Password Strong Policy
  • Smart Help System
  • Alertify Javascript Notification/Dialog System
  • PHPMaker Project-based System
  • Menu Positions (Left or Top)
  • Easy to Learn and Maintained
  • Sticky Top Menu
  • Sticky Footer


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